A quick guide to original email for social media accounts
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A Quick Guide to Original Email for Social media Account Buyers

Logging into any social media account has two keys: 1) username and password and 2) email. It means you can log in with your email even if you don’t have the username and password. So, email plays a crucial role as a username and password on any social media app; the first email with which an Instagram account is created is important called the original email.

What is the Original Email?

The original email is the email with which the social media account is created. This email remains in social media’s memory, and an email was created with this account, called the original Email.

Every social media platform prioritizes original and current emails over anything else.

Original email can be:

  • An email has been set on the social media account for over 14 days.
  • It is recommended to purchase an account that has not changed for at least 14 days.
  • The email that you used to create your account for the first time (original email)


Social media accounts that have changed their email several times in a short period are not safe enough for escrow. Purchasing a safe social media account must meet the standards including non-frequently changing the password, phone number, and email. If the account’s email, phone number, and password have not been changed in the past seven days, it is safe to trade with it.

The seller can send an email to any social media official and claim that it’s been two years since this email (the original email) was set on the account, and they changed it to another email/Gmail address.

With this message, the seller can prove that they are the owner of that particular social media account because they have that original or first email the account has been created now. So, they can get the password from the social media official and log in to that specific account. It is a kind of hijacking of the account.

Note: the social media account password is as important as the OG email (the first email you registered on any social media platform). It is possible that the social media account that registered with the original email (the first email) can be used for years. So, buyers should understand that when buying a social media account or any other account, they should ask for the first email or email with which the account was created.

In addition, other emails have been set and changed in the account over the last 14 days. Every buyer should receive at least one to two emails from the seller.

  1. One is the email that is more than 14 days old.
  2. The other is the email with which the account was created. It can be the same pair. (The email with which the account was created is still on the Instagram email).

What is a verified social media account?

There are different ways that the accounts are sold on the Sebuda marketplace.

The verified accounts are those accounts that the sellers who created the Instagram account do not have access to the original email.

There are accounts where the seller does not have the original email to give to the buyer, but the seller guarantees that the email and account will not be misused. For this guarantee, they agree to receive the account money from the Sebuda website after 14 days from the escrow.

Within 14 days, the buyers must set their email, which is secure, as the original email on Instagram, and after 14 days, Sebuda ensures the account security level based on the email that the buyer has set on the account.

 As long as the buyers set their own emails on the account for 14 days, Instagram will identify this new email as authentic evidence to prove the new owner of the account, provided that they do not change this email during these 14 days. (The new email must be kept on trust for at least 14 days)

What is a non-verified account?

In the second case, the seller does not have any original email to sell their social media accounts to anyone else and does not even accept to receive the transaction after 14 days of delay. It is a kind of non-verified account on the Sebuda pool of accounts. We do not verify these social media accounts, but we made them available to buyers, with a distinctive difference that the buyer must take responsibility for security tips for these accounts, and the Sebuda site does not give you any guarantee for the safe purchase of an account.

As much as the buyers need to change their Instagram password and phone number to the purchased account, they should also change the existing email set to the account and add their own email address.

Unfortunately, the buyers who aim to buy a social media account for the first time do not take this security point seriously, and the consequences their toll. To speed up these sensitive steps, you can get help from the admin to check all the security items of your account, in turn paying $5 for this service.

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