Sellers Mark Guide
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SeBuDa Sellers Mark Guide

Level 5

This mark is given to only the sellers who have both conditions:

  1. Have 2 to 4 deals.
  2. The total value of transactions should be at least 500$

Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

These sellers will have a discount of 5% of the commission they have to pay. For example if this seller’s commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $5 and a commission of $95.

Level 4

This mark is given only to sellers who have both conditions.

  1. Have 5 to 9 deals
  2. The total value of transactions should be at least 2500$Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

These sellers will have a discount of 10% of the commission they have to pay. For example if this seller’s commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $10 and a commission of $90.

Level 3

This mark is given only to sellers who have both conditions.

  1. Have 10 to 19 deals
  2. The total value of transactions should be at least 5000$ Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

These sellers will have a discount of 30% of the commission they have to pay.
For example if this seller’s commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $30 and a commission of $70.

Level 2

This mark is given only to sellers who have both conditions.

  1. Have 20 to 99 deals
  2. The total value of transactions should be at least 10,000 $

Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

These sellers will have a discount of 30% of the commission they have to pay.
For example if this seller’s commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $30 and a commission of $70.

These sellers will have a discount of 40% of the commission they have to pay.
For example if this seller’s commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $40 and a commission of $60.

Level 1

This mark is given only to sellers who have both conditions.

  1. Have 100 to 1000 deals
  2. The total value of transactions should be at least 50,000 $

Having just one of these conditions is not enough.

These sellers will have a discount of 50% of the commission they have to pay. For example if this seller’s
commission is $100. It will always have a discount of $50 and a commission of $50.


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