Rules for seller
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Rules For Sellers

To help you with the selling journey, Here are the rules for selling digital assets in Sebuda:

  1. You can only create a user account on for yourself and no one else.
  2. You can sell the digital assets that belong to you, not someone else.
  3. You can find recent digital assets that have been sold in the “Recently sold” section. This part can help you know the price range of the sold accounts.
  4. When your account or digital assets are sold, there are two methods to receive your money.

None-wire Transfer (Cryptocurrency):

  • We accept cryptocurrencies as payment. Since stablecoins like USDC and USDT can be used for multiple purposes, their value remains constant at $1.
  • Commissions and fees: 5% of the transaction amount belongs to the site commission. 95% will be given to you (the seller). The minimum commission fee is $10.
  • Money Transfer Duration: less than an hour (Depends on network business).

Wire transfer (bank transfer):

  • Commission and fees: The site commission is a 10% deduction of the transaction amount, and you will receive 90% of the fee.
  • Transaction Fee: It depends on your banking system.
  • Money Bank Transfer Duration: This may take 3 to 5 business days.
  1. There are two types of Instagram accounts for sale:
  • List of accounts with different filtering options (Follower base, Country, Gender, Category)
  • List of accounts with special Usernames


  1. You have to share your OG email (Original Email): This is the first email registered on your account.

If you want to know how to access it, follow the below steps:

  • Open the Instagram app >Hamburger Menu >Settings and Activity>Account Center >Personal details > Contact info> email address
  1. None-Verified Email: if the seller owns an original email address, it may take 1 business day to transfer the money; otherwise, it takes about 14 days to pay the money.
  • If you do not have the first email or did not set the email address for your account, you have to set one email or Gmail address and then sell your account; however, it takes 14 days to receive your account money.
  1. You are supposed to give the right information about your account unless the admin rejects your information and makes the buyer aware of this fact.

In this situation, the buyer can get the money back or cancel the Escrow and ask the admin to find another account.

  1. Optional information: You have to enter the account information in detail and complete the sales list correctly. The admin will check your data; this is the best proof to showcase your account’s credibility to attract buyers’ trust.

Warning! If the entered information is incorrect, the transaction will not occur, and you will get a negative point.

  1. Description: Do your best to fill out the Description and explain how you could grow your Instagram account so far in the Description. You can also add your experience and tell more about who your audience is and what the account’s content is about. Etc. When creating multiple listings, the Description should be special for each.
  • Do not include contact information in the Description. Buyers will message you on through the built-in chat system.
  1. You can upload three screenshots of insights. Photos must be unique with no aim of deceiving others.
  • These photos should not include your account name.
  • Photos should only be about accounts reached, impressions, profile activity, or interaction.
  1. You are not allowed to run Escrow with a buyer outside the website, and Sebuda won’t take any responsibility.
  2. If we catch you trying to spam or scam the users, we can ban you without notice.
  3. The Boost feature is a free and smart way to increase your account’s exposure on the sales list.


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