Tips before buying an Instagram account.

point before buying Instagram account

Tips before buying

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1. Read all the account information carefully; the best account is the one that meets your requirements. Finding an account that satisfies your expectations is a part of the buying process. After that, reserve the account immediately.

2. You can use the “Compare” option. Compare the accounts with each other, and to get more information, get in touch with sellers. And gain some information about the account and its history.

3. Detect the prices on the “Recently sold” account. Do not offer weird suggestions for the seller. Consider a price for the account that you would be willing to sell with that price if the account were for you.

4. Accounts with at least fifty posts and more information are accounts whose analysis information is usually closer to reality.


5. Precisely read the descriptions and photos uploaded by sellers in sales forms.

6. Those accounts near your country or city or even the spoken language of the followers is similar to your language, are a better choice for you.

7. Take a look at the general information of the sellers. The date of registration on the site, the volumes, and the number of transactions can have positive points for you.

8. If you choose an account, ask the seller all questions about the account before starting to buy. Be sure one hundred percent of your purchase. After that, reserve the account immediately.

9. In the sales list, the date of registration of the account and the number of views will be displayed. This information will help you to get a discount.

10. Since some buyers are online and in touch with you from different parts of the world, it is better not to have a long and tedious conversation.
11. Do not trust those sellers that break the site’s rules. About other people, they may not follow the rules.
12. Those sellers that request you to continue the conversation somewhere other than the site are scammers. Do not waste your time in this way. Report the buyer to the admin.
13. Never answer or ask unrelated questions from sellers. You may seem suspicious.

14. Talk about the price with the sellers. Maybe you can change their mind about the price.

15. Try to understand the reason for the sale; this is essential information.

16. Be patient and polite with buyers, even if they treat you impolitely. The reason is that you cannot have a good conversation angrily.

17. Never request a seller post a custom photo or story on your behalf; it is not helpful. An Instagram page is not like testing clothes or wearing shoes.

18. Be careful in the steps of trading and buying. Maybe you make an irreversible mistake during the process.


19. Be friendly with the seller until the end of the transaction. They may be helpful for you.

20. Encourage buyers to rate you on the survey form; their scores are valuable to you.

21. If you are a buyer who buys many accounts, it is recommended to give sellers some suggestions for future purchases, such as providing a ten percent discount for the next purchase. Your relationship with sellers is valuable.


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