How to Mute Someone on Instagram? (AUG,2023)

How to Mute Someone on Instagram

How to mute someone on Instagram? This is a big question that people need to manage their own experience of social life with minimum risk.

Are you looking for a way to stop seeing content on Instagram that annoys you with irrelevant, envious, and non-sense sense you might face occasionally or consistently?

Do you see some selfish or rude posts and stories that might frustrate or destroy your mood?

Or sticking to such a situation of keeping up with the Joneses and now needing to rescue yourself from such poisoning content?

Content is the main basis that can pierce into your soul and make the world around you.

What about a good Instagram feature to permanently vanish those useless content without any need to block a particular person? Learn how to mute Someone on Instagram.

This is a strategic alternative to blocking Someone on Instagram. The mute valuable feature can do it for you.

Let’s jump right into the instructions

 How do you mute Someone on Instagram from Mobile?

Knowing how to mute people on Instagram is highly worthwhile when you fall into the trap of vain content invasion. Here we introduce 4 different methods to stay immune to an inconvenient atmosphere.

You can mute messages, calls, stories, and posts in various ways.

How to Mute Someone Stories and Posts on Instagram from the Profile

1. Open your Instagram app on your mobile phone

2. Navigate to the Instagram account you want to mute

3. Top on the Following button, and from the pop-up menu, select Mute

4. You can toggle on every one of three options (Posts, Stories, and Notes)

Mute Instagram Posts, Stories, Notes

5. Now tap on left narrow to be done

How to Mute someone’s stories and posts from the Story bar

Muting Someone on Instagram usually starts with non-stop stories, mainly focusing on showing off or annoying stuff. Here are the easy steps to get rid of it.

1. Tap on the Instagram story to view

2. Then tap on the Three Vertical/Horizental dots menu on the top left of the story

Mute Instagram Account

3. From the pop-up menu, Select Mute

4. A window will appear and ask you Mute “username

Mute someone on Instagram via story

5.  If you want to mute both story and posts, Tap on Mute Story and Posts.

Mute Instagram Post & Story

How to mute somebody’s messages, calls, chat activity notifications

This kind of Mute is necessary to stop unwanted or spamming messages, as some people always send direct messages, and you do not want to unfollow or block them.

  1. Go to your Instagram direct section.
  2. Tap on the search and type the person’s Instagram username you want to mute.

3. Go to the chat and tap on the profile picture at the top of the person’s chat.

4. Now tap on Mute (bell icon)

5. A pop-up appears to choose Mute Messages or/and Mute calls

How to Mute Someone’s Posts and Stories from Your Feed?

It might happen thousands of times when some posts appear in your Instagram feed, and because you must maintain your positive experience, you mute the post.

1. Find the Instagram post on your feed

2 Tap on the Three Vertical dots menu from the top right- corner of the post

How to mute someone on instagram

3. Select Hide from the pop-up menu

4. Tap on the Mute [instagram account] option

What is the difference between Muting and blocking on Instagram

Blocking and muting on Instagram are two separate features for different purposes. When you mute someone, you can no longer see their stories and posts unless you unmute them, and the important thing about muting someone on Instagram is that you have that muted person on your followers or the following list.

Blocking is cutting off someone from the root; it means that a person doesn’t have access to your page content and can not find your Instagram account by searching your username and should create a new Instagram account to find and follow you.


Muting someone on Instagram has many benefits for users who want to keep their Instagram life away from the noise to make them feel the best and free from the toxic cycle to protect their mental health.

With the above easy steps, you can invite peace to your Instagram surfing instea of blocking or unfollowing those you can not block for personal intentions.

Get back to the first peace on Instagram with Sebuda’s other helpful tips for marketers and newcomers

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